Student Affiliate Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a student affiliate of the Kahneman-Treisman Center.  Please fill out the form below.  You will be contacted about your application and your affiliation status.  Questions: Please contact Leslie Rowley at [email protected].

Use standard Princeton nomenclature:
Undergrads, enter your two-digit graduation year after an apostrophe
Graduate student, enter GS
Post-docs, enter Postdoctoral Fellow
For all other affiliations, enter your title or leave blank
(E.g. Undergraduate in the economics department, with certificates in political economy, finance, and statistics and machine learning" or "Graduate student in the department of psychology with a focus on cognitive psychology")
Please use full sentences, referring to yourself in the third person, with your name or pronouns (e.g. "Leslie is interested in why people..."). Refer to what you bring to the applied behavioral science community.
Please use full sentences, referring to yourself in the third person, with your name or pronouns (e.g. "Prior to coming to Princeton to earn her doctorate in economics, Kalie spent two years with Innovations for Poverty Action, using randomized controlled trials to evaluate the effectiveness of cash transfers in reducing long-term poverty. A native of Seattle, she previously worked as a government consultant for the Department of Defense and as a PR account executive for an agency in New York.")
Please use only city, state, country unless there is another story (in which case enter a full sentence, referring to yourself in the third person, with your name or pronouns, e.g. "Jacob is from New York, NY but also grew up spending part of each year in Cape Town, South Africa" or "She moved seven times before she was 18 and now considers Paris home.)
Full sentences not necessary (eg "roller skating, ramen, collecting snow globes")
Which three programs have you attended?