Education Research Section: Ben Castleman

Oct 23, 2024, 12:00 pm1:00 pm



Event Description

Ben Castleman, associate professor of public policy and education at University of Virginia's Frank Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy, will speak in the Education Research Section fall seminar series, Wednesday, October 23 at noon. His talk is entitled “College advising generates large increases in degree attainment. Does it scale? Evidence from multiple large-scale experiments”.

Castleman's research focuses on policies and strategies to improve postsecondary educational and workforce outcomes for individuals from lower-income and historically-marginalized communities. He conducts this research through collaborative research-policy partnerships with public agencies and organizations at the local, state, and federal levels. His current work focuses on innovations to increase economic mobility among lower-wage adults, including digital- and health-skills training programs; state-funded career and technical education; and competency-based education models for working adults.  Castleman was a senior advisor to Former First Lady Michelle Obama's Reach Higher Initiative and has presented about his research at several White House convenings and in testimony before Congress. 

The talk will be available both in person and via Zoom. In-person attendees have the option to join for a light lunch. For more details, see the ERS event listings.


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  • Education Research Section
  • Kahneman-Treisman Center for Behavioral Science & Public Policy